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A Character Diet: What’s On Your Plate? - Intro

October 10, 2019
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Just as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends that we maintain a balanced diet which includes nourishment every day from all five food groups to keep our bodies at maximum health, so is it critical to nourish hearts and minds in our character building by modeling and teaching core values while we feed the social and emotional learning (SEL) needs of students, staff, and stakeholders.

And just like working with intention to make sure to eat from and enjoy all of the food groups, we must make sure that we are intentionally working on connecting as a family and building relationships in our daily habits, rituals, and routines.

Creating a culture of character and a climate of caring is not always easy, but it’s always important.

Because character development and SEL aren’t just an add-on, something extra for our already overflowing plates.

They are, indeed, the plate.

And, as co-founders of Character Strong Houston Kraft and John Norlin have said, “If we focus solely on teaching content, we risk piling academics onto broken plates.”

At Prosign Design, we couldn’t agree more, so we strive to be a support system as you nurture the whole child. As such, we have decided to launch our email series, “What’s On Your Plate?”

Look for the series to address building relationships, stretching core values as you infuse them into the curriculum, making the most of service-learning projects, partnering with the community, and evaluating your efforts through data collection.

We hope you’ll join us as we purposefully fill our proverbial plates with what matters most.